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Hi ! I'm Florian

Florian Formentini

Machine Learning Engineer

I am a passionate Datascientist with a background in software development and advanced computer science. I’m able to collect and analyze different kinds of data to build a predictive model according to a business problem and deploy it into production.

Fast Learner
Team Work


Machine Learning
Machine Learning

  • NLU / NLP: sentence embeddings, classification, question-answering
  • Computer Vision: Multi-class image classification
  • SĂ©ries temporelles: Analysis and forecasting
  • Clustering: Customer segmentation, fraud detection
  • Regression/Classification with different models


  • Web: Flask, FastAPI, Streamlit, Webscrapping (Selenium)
  • ML: Scikit-learn, tensorflow, plotly, scipy
  • IDE: Colab, Jupyter, Anaconda, VS Code
  • Automations, Docker-Compose systems

Project management

  • Functional analysis, risk analysis, planning, traditional and agile methods
  • Resource management, optimization of time / means
  • Deployment/maintenance/training plans, Disaster Recovery plan, documentation

Cloud Computing
Cloud Computing

Utilisation de divers services SaaS, IaaS et PaaS :

  • Github : Versionning, Travail collaboratif, CI/CD
  • GCP : Storage, Gmail, Drive, Vision, …
  • AWS : S3, Textract

Big data

  • Analyse exploratoire des donnĂ©es
  • Oracle : Administration de base de donnĂ©es 11g et 12c, applications APEX.
  • Spark (python): Calculs distribuĂ©s, architecture Lambda


  • Design of Windows applications interfaced with Winform or WPF (MVVM architecture)
  • Applications Web N-tiers .NET Core
  • Unity Scripting


Python Developer

07/2023 - 09/2023, France - Nancy (54)

Freelance mission full-remote

  • Designing an SPA in Python with Flask
  • HTML/CSS/JS theme integration and modification
  • Multiple NLU/NLP services integration

Machine Learning Engineer

01/2021 - 06/2022, France - Vannes (56)

Development of a mobile application dedicated to personalized medical support during pregnancy.

  • Research on NLU/NLP methods
  • An attempt to build a custom OCR for medical data extraction.
  • Construction of a medical FAQ chatbot (from scratch then using Rasa)
  • Deploying the solution on a VPS with Docker Compose (and CI/CD)
  • Chatbot support and analysis of the produced data to manage its evolution (Colab notebooks)

Junior Project Manager / DBA
Arvato Logitique Services France

08/2017 - 04/2019, France - Atton (54)

Logistics platform in the entertainment sector belonging to the Arvato division of the Bertelsmann Bertelsmann Group.

  • Project management for the migration of an Oracle APEX 3.2 system to version 5.1
  • Oracle 11g and 12c Database Administration
  • Modification of C# / VB.NET applications
  • User support / ticketing

C# Developer (7 week training)
Help Info

10/2016 - 12/2017, France - Nancy (54)

Computer services company: Installation of computer park / network infrastructure and relationship with software publishers.
Development, sale and integration of a software of management of the working time.

  • Migration of the work time management application interfaced with WinForm to a WPF interface
  • Development of new features: creation of a dynamic planning screen


CentraleSupélec / OpenClassrooms

Completed in apprenticeship contract at Efelya
Training offered in partnership with OpenClassrooms

CESI Alternance

Completed in apprenticeship contract at ALSF

Lycée Frédéric Chopin, Nancy (54)

Specialization in development

Lycée Jean Zay, Jarny (54)

Sciences and Technologies of Industry and Durable Development Option: Computer and Digital Services

RĂ©cent Projects

Other information


Certifications have been obtained on different platforms such as Openclassrooms or Udemy.


  • Programming: Video game development (Unity), various personal projects
  • Automation: Raspberry Pi, Arduino, python
  • Modeling and 3D printing


I am available within a radius of approximately 50 Kms around Nancy (France, 54) and for all other non-presidential missions.